Indianapolis, IN Attorneys for Relocation after Divorce
After a divorce, making the choice to move your place of residence is an important decision and can be full of stress. The rules of every state are different when it comes to notifying the courts and the other parent when you are planning to move. The situation can be very complex based on the child custody situation and parenting time arrangements.
Where to Start
If you are considering relocation, it is necessary for you to notify the court as well as the non-relocating parent about your intent to move far in advance. Upon notice, a hearing will be set to review and modify a custody order, parenting time order, grandparent visitation order, or child support order, if appropriate.
It is very important to consult with an attorney if you are thinking about relocation. If you are a non-relocating parent, you should also contact an attorney to protect your rights. An experienced Indianapolis family law attorney can advise you of your legal rights and options and represent your interests in court. Having knowledgeable legal counsel on your side can also help reduce the stress of the situation as they will work to protect your rights and the best interest of the child.
Court Consideration
The court will take many factors into consideration of your relocation notice. First and foremost, the court will take action to protect the best interests of the child. As a parent, this is most likely your primary concern as well. The distance between your new and old residence will be reviewed as it may pose a hardship to the non-relocating parent and can have a negative impact on parenting time and cause an undue financial hardship. The court also considers the impact that the relocation may have on the relationship between the child and both the relocating and the non-relocating parent.
Once all of these issues are reviewed at the hearing, the court may modify any appropriate agreements including the child custody agreement, parenting time agreement, grandparent visitation, or child support agreement.
Your Rights
Regardless of whether you are the relocating or non-relocating parent, it is important for you to fully understand your rights in a relocation situation. An experienced Indiana family law divorce attorney can provide advice regarding your legal rights and options. Our family law lawyers have helped clients with a full array of child custody and parenting time issues. We have the experience and skill in litigating and negotiating family law issues and will fight for you. Each situation is different and no one approach is best. Contact our Indiana family law lawyers to discuss your legal rights and options regarding relocation.