CohenMalad, LLP Sponsors Marion County Bar Assocation Coffee Chat
CohenMalad, LLP was proud to sponsor the Marion County Bar Association’s (MCBA) Coffee Chat featuring the Honorable Carr Darden and the Honorable Webster Brewer. The Coffee Chat event was organized by MCBA President and CohenMalad, LLP Associate TaKeena M. Thompson to offer Indianapolis legal professionals an opportunity to network with area judges and hear their unique perspectives about career advancement and diversity issues within the legal profession.
The featured judges began the conversation by sharing information about their backgrounds and career paths with the attendees. Judge Brewer told the group, “My life has been one of serendipity”, and went on to talk about how the choices he made created growth opportunities for career advancement. When asked about his approach to networking within the legal community, Judge Brewer encouraged attorneys to get out in the community and get to know people. He stated that it is important for young attorneys to be visible and introduce themselves to other professionals and grow their network.
Judge Darden told the group that while growing up he was always one to “challenge the status quo”. He facilitated a frank conversation with the group regarding the challenges that minorities in the legal field face and stressed the message that Judge Brewer shared about the need to support and grow a more diverse legal community.
Three other judges attended the event. The group was fortunate to also hear from Marion County Superior Court Judges David A. Shaheed and Barbara Cook Crawford, and former Warren Township Small Claims Judge Ricardo Rivera.