Former Speedway High School Teacher and Coach Faces Child Seduction Charges
The Marion County Prosecutor has charged Tyler Carmichael, a former teacher at Speedway High School and track coach, with child seduction and sexual battery according to media reports. A former student of Carmichael’s claims he touched and kissed her while she was at a friend’s house in November last year. Court documents state the girl pushed Carmichael away and reminded him of his wife and kids but he “continued to be very persistent”.
Sexual abuse perpetrated by teachers or coaches can be particularly traumatic as young people place their trust in these authority figures. If you, your child or someone you know was sexually abused by a teacher or coach, contact us. Consultations are free and confidential. CohenMalad, LLP has over 25 years of experience helping survivors of sexual abuse get compensation to pay for therapy and other resources necessary to heal from the trauma of sexual abuse. We can help you. Our staff is sensitive to the needs of people who have been through sexual trauma and has received training so that we can better communicate without retraumatizing survivors.
View our video library for more information about how we help survivors of sexual abuse. We also invite you to listen to our podcast Support For Survivors.