Credit Reporting Agency Equifax Hit by Hackers: 143 Million People Compromised
Equifax reported a major data breach affecting as many as 143 million people (nearly half the U.S. population) occurred between mid-May and July 2017. The company stated cyberthieves accessed personal information including names, social security numbers, birth dates, addresses, and some driver’s license information. The company also stated the credit card account numbers of nearly 209,000 U.S. customers were also exposed. Some media reports state that three senior executives sold company stock worth almost $1.8 million just days after the company discovered the data breach—and before the cybertheft was reported to the public.
This latest data breach affects nearly twice as many people as the data breach targeted at healthcare insurer Anthem, making it one of the largest data breaches ever. Companies need to be vigilant to ensure that personal customer information is safeguarded from such attacks by following appropriate security protocols.
People may not be aware of whether or not the Equifax data breach affects them as the credit reporting agency collects data from various lenders including credit cards, banks, retailers, and other lenders to create a comprehensive credit bureau report on individuals. If you believe you are a victim of the Equifax data breach, contact us. Our class action attorneys have experience representing hundreds of people in data breach lawsuits and can advise you of your legal rights and options.